2.02 Mazzella 1606
Scipione Mazzella, Sito et antichità della città di Pozzuolo e del suo amenissimo distretto, […] con le figure degli edifici e con gli epitafi […] tutti i bagni e loro proprietà […]. Et in questa ultima edittione aggiuntovi un ricco apparato delle statue ritrovate in Cuma, Naples 1606
E-POZ 142-2060 raro II
The first edition of Sito et antichità della città di Pozzuolo, by the Procida-born scholar Scipione Mazzella, appeared on the market in 1591 (a copy is to be found in the collection of the Bibliotheca Hertziana); in 1593 the same author printed the Opusculum de Balneis Puteolorum Baiarum, et Pithecusarum, a therapeutic guide to thermal baths. The 1606 edition reproposes these works in a single tome: the description of Pozzuoli, with its natural beauty and the ruins of ancient buildings, on pp. 1-216; the pamphlet on the baths of Pozzuoli, Baia and Ischia, on pp. 217-288. To these is added a long presentation (103 pages) of the statues found during the first excavations carried out in Cumae in 1606. Mazzella’s work combines an interest in antiquities and the virtues of thermal waters with historical and scholarly notions, and also includes information on the recent interventions ordered by Pedro da Toledo in the Phlegraean area. The text is enriched by numerous woodcuts, which reproduce the general forms of depiction already expressed in the 1591 edition in a more elaborate form. The copy in the Bibliotheca Hertziana lacks the map that once opened the book. There are handwritten annotations on the title page and on pp. 276-277. [ES]