2.12 Sarnelli ed. 1782
Nuova guida de’ forestieri e dell’istoria di Napoli […], raccolte da monsignor l’abate Pompeo Sarnelli […], in questa nuova edizione ampliata, Naples 1782
E-NAP 11-2850/i raro II
This is one of the later editions of the Guida to Naples by Pompeo Sarnelli that appeared after the death of the author (1724), updated and expanded by the printers. The illustrative apparatus, which coincides with that prepared for the 1772 edition, is much reduced compared to the first edition (1685), and partly diverges. Some plates have been removed from the copy of the Bibliotheca Hertziana: the view of Naples and surroundings seen from the sea, by Benedetto Cimarelli, and the Prospetto del Vesuvio da Napoli are missing, the latter accompanied by a legend of the remarkable sites of the area on the slopes of the volcano, with the lava flows of 1631 and 1752. The chapter on Vesuvius (pp. 277- 292) gives an account of the eruptive history up to the year 1779. On the free endpaper there is a pen drawing, certainly old but difficult to date, showing Vesuvius in eruption. [ES]