2.04 Orlandi 1625
Giovanni Orlandi, Breve e distinta relatione della antichissima città di Pozzuolo e suo distretto, nella quale si tratta de’ luochi conviccini, de’ tempii, ville, laghi, aquedotti, pile, bagni, moli, mufete, minere, monti, ed altre cose notabili e curiose, Naples 1625
E-POZ 142-2250 raro IX
This sort of short guide to Pozzuoli and its surroundings was compiled by the prolific publisher, engraver and author Giovanni Orlandi. Born in Rome, Orlandi was active in Naples from the end of the sixteenth century until at least 1637, publishing texts of various types and subjects for both the local and Roman public. He specialised in particular in the production of information on war events, royal ephemerides and disasters of natural origin, which circulated (sometimes translated) also outside the peninsula. For example, Orlandi dedicated numerous printed pamphlets to the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631, including at least a couple of information sheets that share with the work on display here both the format and the layout (Miserando successo e spaventevole occorso […]; Vero ritratto dell’incendio nella montagna di Somma).
The text occupies two thirds of the page, and is accompanied by an image that depicts the area described in a simplified manner, seen from above. After providing the geographical coordinates necessary to locate Pozzuoli in the Campania region, the author reviews the monumental evidence of the city’s Roman past, also mentioning those of the neighbouring villages. There are also references to the characteristic thermal waters and solfataras, as well as emblematic places such as the Temple of Venus in Baia or the Cave of the Sibyl in Cuma. [MV]