2.09 Parrino 1715
Domenico Antonio Parrino, Nuova guida de’ forestieri per l’antichità curiosissime di Pozzuoli, dell’isole aggiacenti d’Ischia, Procida, Nisida, e Capri, colli, terre, ville, e città che giacciono all’intorno alle riviere dell’uno e l’altro lato di Napoli, detto Cratero […], Naples 1715
Be 4018-3150 raro II
Domenico Antonio Parrino was a successful Neapolitan bookseller and publisher, author of historical, theatrical and periegetic texts, as well as of two Relazioni on the eruptions of Vesuvius in 1694 and 1696. His competition with the publisher Antonio Bulifon, responsible for the various editions of Pompeo Sarnelli’s successful guides to Naples and Pozzuoli (1685-), is well known. Joining this successful publishing trend, in 1700 he had printed his guide to Naples and its surroundings (Napoli città nobilissima […] esposta agli occhi et alla mente de’ curiosi, divisa in due parti): two volumes in 12°, the first dedicated to the city, the second to the localities of the two eastern and western sides of the Gulf of Naples (the “Cratero”) and the islands. The two volumes were then reissued separately. The copy on display here is the first re-edition of the guide to Pozzuoli and the islands. The text, for the most part a compilation based on previous authors, gives an account of the archaeological findings in the Phlegrean area and is accompanied by numerous illustrations (the copy on display has 21 of the 38 plates stated on the title page). The collection of the Bibliotheca Hertziana also preserves several re-editions of the Nuova guida de’ forestieri per Napoli (1712, 1714, 1715, 1725, 1751). [ES]